Certified General Contractor, State of Florida
I started the journey in October 2015 at Florida International University under the tutelage of Gary Miner. In June 2017 I sit the exam and was relieved to pass on the first try as over 70% have to resit.
Module 1 of 3: National Home Builders Association
Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS)
Millions of Americans are living longer and more active lives. Because they are embracing newly found and changing lifestyles, they need to revitalize their home environment. This course equipped me with the knowledge and tools to effectively promote and sell my services to the aging-in-place (AIP) market.
Module 2 of 3: National Home Builders Association Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS)
To help home owners make their home a safe and comfortable living environment for the long term, many responsive and innovative products are emerging and service providers are focusing their businesses on creating new homes and renovations that provide design flexibility, pleasing aesthetics, high function and usability for all people, without regard to age, income or ability level, and regardless of life’s changes and challenges. This course showed me how to identify common challenges and understand attractive design concepts that create a safe and comfortable environment for clients who want to age in place (AIP) as well as individuals who have a condition that requires home modifications or equipment.
Module 2 of 3: National Home Builders Association Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS)
This course offered me a solid foundation for managing a small- to medium-sized building/remodeling and service company. I learned critical elements, from planning to evaluating progress, and received practical tips and tools for managing a business successfully. The course described how to plan effectively for achieving business success; discussed the organization and processes that a company needs to have in place to run effectively; Identified tools and techniques to effectively execute the planning, management, and performance evaluation required for long term business success; Identified common business challenges and ways to overcome them; and examined best practices in how to create, implement, and manage efficient, effective construction processes and systems.